Crash Out Avoidance


As there are bridges that can only be burned, puddles that can only be jumped across, and fields that can only be recorded,there is lots of cool stuffyet to be done. Where or when do not matter,,, becasue Time flies but also weights. Every piece of the ever-expanding puzzle will come to us at the right time. They will be found beneath the debris of the castle We once built.They will speak our language, and we will learn their Songs. In perfect harmony, that kindof harmony than can only be felt on a summer night.The cicadas must be singing, your fingerprints must be burned; walking barefoot across a river of 480p images,,, as you drift ashore, everything that once felt prophetic will turn crystal clear. Language won't be an issue Anymore. And our refinery, whose machines screech inagony, will understand their purpose: Cleanse & Radiate. They will radiate a light so bright that it will shine through the Fog Gate covering our eyes.. Common failures, to each their own: Star-Shaped Scar. Kill the lights, eat the night. I often feel the need to overstate the obvious. But then I wonder what obvious really means. Filtered smoke coming from a nearby manhole. Paint a picture so perfect there is no room for error. Entry 1: Common sense, shared experience, well-known, popular. Entry 2: Eye-catching, glimpse of hope, dreamgaze, everlasting moment, image burnt into a screen overlayed on top of others. Entry 3: Sudden paranoia at the ivy fields. Update your drives, isolation software. Break a finger, missclicked like on a 2 year old post. Candle wax scent burnt into your keyboard. Never surrender, everlasting gaze.

Burn Out Avoidance


     As there are bridges that can only be burned, puddles that can only be jumped across, and fields that can only be recorded,there is lots of cool stuff yet to be done.
     Where or when do not matter,,, because Time flies but also weights. Every piece of the ever-expanding puzzle will come to us at the right time. They will be found beneath the debris of the castle We once built. They will speak our language, and we will learn their Songs. In perfect harmony, that kindof harmony than can only be felt on a summer night.The cicadas must be singing, your fingerprints must be burned; walking barefoot across a river of 480p images,,, as you drift ashore, everything that once felt prophetic will turn crystal clear.
Language won't be an issue Anymore. And our refinery, whose machines screech inagony, will understand their purpose: Cleanse & Radiate. They will radiate a light so bright that it will shine through the Fog Gate covering our eyes..

     Common failures, to each their own: Star-Shaped Scar. Kill the lights, eat the night. I often feel the need to overstate the obvious. But then I wonder what obvious really means. Filtered smoke coming from a nearby manhole. Paint a picture so perfect there is no room for error.

     I grew to really enjoy presenting the work to friends and family as I was making it. Reaching an audience is challenging, and is not really a factor for the vids to be successful (i make for me, and anyone who likes them too) . It is exciting to present the work to just my small circle of friends and have a "release" ready for them to watch,,, I want to make them laugh and get excited about the dumb thing
If the work you are making has merit in its quality and purpose, then an audience will form around it. Especially if you are a cool human beingg that knows what is up

     I like most about the work, this way, is its freedom to do what it wants. I make what I want to see and what would be cool. I learn the things necessary to see the vision through. And I don't think about where I will market it or who will watch it while doing so. I don;t care about that. I care about learning and practicing whatever it will take to make interesting visual art that I want to see and that I got to project out from within!

peace- jack